Award News

The National Environmental Science Academy (NESA) has granted Jyothibabu Retnamma, head researcher at the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), with the National Environmental Science Academy (NESA) Scientist of the Year Award 2022 for his commitment in the field of ecological science, biophysical linkages in the sea and biological system working.

Retnamma has some expertise in biology and biological system working, efficiency and trophic elements, and marine biodiversity. He has made significant commitments to the area of natural science, especially in understanding the biophysical connections of microscopic fish with sea processes in the waters around India.

His commitments essentially worked on the comprehension of the environment funtioning of the Gulf of Manner, Bay of Bengal and the Indian oceans.

He has in excess of 75 examination distributions written in lofty diaries and has given a few talks at public and worldwide meetings.